The Ludza Craftsmen`s Centre was founded in 2006 to promote the preservation of craft skills and traditions of Latgale, to raise their prestige in the society, to develop the uniqueness of Latgale, to offer the locals and tourists to learn about everyday life of Latgale through the practical participation in the work of craftsmen and artists. The Ludza Craftsmen`s Centre offers tours with a story about the ancient Latgale, demonstration of crafts, active participation, refreshments in Latgale style. To purchase and order works of local craftsmen: pottery, textiles, engraved products, wood products, folk costumes, as well as various souvenirs. The opportunity to actively participate in potter, weaver, tailor studios and other workshops of ancient crafts. Dishes of the culinary heritage of Latgale and a school of cooking these dishes. The Ludza Craftsmen`s Centre organizes fairs, various activities related to crafts and traditions of Latgale. The most popular of them are the Big Latgalian Fair on the Castle Hill before Līgo Holiday, the action for travellers “Path of golden hands", schools of skills, various exhibitions. But most importantly - the centre is waiting for those who are interested in crafts and folk traditions, cultural, historical and culinary heritage.
Ludzas amatnieku centrs piedāvā: ekskursijas ar stāstiem par seno Latgali, amatu demonstrēšanu ar aktīvu līdzdarbošanos un latgaļu cienastu;
iegādāties un pasūtīt vietējo amatu meistaru darinātos izstrādājumus: keramiku, audumus, koka izstrādājumus, tautastērpus, kā arī dažādus suvenīrus.
iespēju aktīvi līdzdarboties keramiķa, audējas, drēbnieka un citu seno amatu darbnīcās;
Latgales kulinārā mantojuma ēdienus un to pagatavošanas skolu.
Ludzas amatnieku centrs organizē gadatirgus, dažādus ar amatniecību un Latgales tradīcijām saistītus pasākumus. Populārākie – Lielais latgaļu gadatirgus pilskalnā pirms Līgo svētkiem, akcija ceļotājiem „Zalta rūku ceļš”, amatu prasmju skolas, dažādas izstādes. Bet pats galvenais – centrs gaida ciemos visus, kam interesē amatniecība un tautas tradīcijas, kultūra, vēsture un kulinārais mantojums.