The company has existed since 1947 and produces natural ice cream, among others “Pingwin” and “Cassata”. In 1948, the first owner Stanisław Młynarczyk patented “Pingwin” ice cream, which to this day is produced using the same method, hand-packed and sold. Its recipe and ingredients have not changed. Milk is purchased at the Jan Korbik’s Dairy in Jezierzyce Kościelne (a member of the Wielkopolska Culinary Heritage Network) and eggs come from the Polowczyk Farm in Rawicz. Ice cream colour is achieved using natural dyes (e.g. from beets). The factory has received many awards, e.g. “Processing and Agriculture Master” in 2011 for “Pingwin” ice cream, “Appreciate the Polish” in 2012, “Top Product” distinction for “Cassata” and “Pingwin” ice cream, as well as “Microentrepreneur of the Year 2013”. The company belongs to the “Leszno Flavours” Food Cluster bringing together local food producers, support institutions and local authorities.