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SŁOWIK Zakład Przetwórstwa Mięsnego

SŁOWIK Zakład Przetwórstwa Mięsnego


Sendeń Duży 19


„Słowik” company was created in a very picturesque part of Gostynińsko- Włocławski Park Krajobrazowy, in the village of Sendeń Duży, municipiality of Łąck. This beautiful area of unchanged nature made the owners take special care of the environment. The beauty of the neighbouring areas and natural mazovian flora and fauna had the significant influence on a strategy and functioning of the „Słowik” company. The major goal of Zakład Przetwórstwa Mięsa in Sendeń Duży is providing clients with products of the highest quality. Their production is based only on traditional recipes, natural seasonings and master technology of the 80s and 90s of the XXth century. The mission of „Słowik” company is satisfaction and delight of our clients.Because we care about the quality of our products, the amount of premium sereis’ daily produce will be limited in the future. Our family tradition in the butcher’s branch started in the first years of the Second World War. Then, our grandparents set their first butcher’s shop. The present company in Sendeń is the continuation of their beleiefs and values.




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