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Restauracja „Hubertówka”

Restauracja „Hubertówka”
Lower Silesia

501 707 354

Nowy Zamek 8B


Our restaurant is located in the Barycz Valley, one of the most beautiful corners of our country. Due to its unique nature, unpolluted environment and low population density, it is an ideal place for lovers of nature and active recreation. We have here the largest Landscape Park in Poland, the "Barycz Valley", or the second largest nature reserve, i.e. one of the most valuable ecosystems in the world - "Milicz Ponds". We stand out from other regions with huge tracts of forests and ponds where is the fisheries economy - known to all breeding carp of the Milicz carp and other freshwater fish. In "Hubertówka" our guests can enjoy what is most valuable in the Barycz Valley - quiet, close to nature and regional cuisine, which consists mainly of hunting and fish dishes, prepared according to tradition, from the highest quality raw materials. Enthusiasts of active leisure can take advantage of the numerous hiking trails crossing in our courtyard: walking, cycling or horse riding.




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