Wheat-rye gingerbreads from Oleśnica are baked from hard and semi-hard seasoned cake. The recipe for gingerbread is traditional. In addition to wheat flour, rye flour is added. The cake consists of eggs, sugar, butter and spices: cloves, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, ginger, cardamom, aniseed and pepper, of which take their name gingerbread "pierny" or "peppery". According to the tradition of gingerbread created based on honey. Depending on the species of honey used different colors are obtained gingerbread. From the darkest (buckwheat honey), lighter (flower honey, acacia), the brightest (rape honey). Gingerbreads from Oleśnica have different shapes, from traditional plant and animal motifs on the three-dimensional boxes, and other forms. Sometimes the gingerbread dough dried mint is added, which gives unique aroma and taste. Gingerbreads are decorated with the white and colourful icing with the addition of natural dyes.