APIARY JOSIE (ZUZIA) was founded in 2006 as a result of many years of apicultural passion. It is located in the picturesque Jezierzyca Valley Landscape Park (Park Krajobrazowy Dolina Jezierzycy) in south-western Poland, and in Land of ŁĘGÓW ODRZAŃSKICH. In DOMASZKÓW, away from urban pollutants, thanks to the generosity of nature, in the vicinity of the saturated beekeeping tradition of LUBIĄŻCISTERCIAN ABBEY is created the best honey. Since 2015, we have been running an EDUCATIONAL POTATIC PATH. It is interactive.It broadens the knowledge of the role of bees, the honeyiness of trees, bushes and flowers, which is reflected in gaining higher yields by farmers and fruit growers.Thanks to close cooperation with farmers in our region, there is no loss in the bee population. The Multicolored Honey with Pollen in 2017 at the Fair - Europe on the Fork in Wroclaw received the prize for the best taste of Lower Silesia, while honey - Linden called Gold Domaszków and Acacia with the blackberry called Crystal Lubiąż received the award in the competition "Our Culinary Heritage - Tastes of the Regions".Since 2017 our APIARY JOSIE (ZUZIA) has been a member of the Regional Culinary Heritage Europe. Our honey, thanks to its natural and unique taste, fell to the taste of tourists and hit the tables not only in Poland, but also in Norway, Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Sweden. Honey from our apiary take part in various events and fairs organized by Marshal Office of Lower Silesia. Our honey can also be found in the cyclical eventsorganized by Botanical Garden in Wroclaw. Manager’s of APIARY JOSIE (ZUZIA) Bogusława and Jerzy Nawara