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Gołdapskie Stowarzyszenie Pszczelarzy

Gołdapskie Stowarzyszenie Pszczelarzy
Warmia Mazury Powisle

Szkolna 2A


The Beekeepers’ Association of Goldap is an organization of active beekeepers from Goldap District. Our apiaries are placed in the areas of Puszcza Romincka wilderness, Puszcza Borecka wilderness and areas belonging to ‘Natura 2000’ program. The special quality of honey harvested in our district is the result of traditional form of cultivating fields carried by many farms. Local farmers usually don’t use pesticides nor other chemical fertilizers dangerous for honey composition. In our headquarters in Goldap, the Association owes a room with professional beekeeping equipment. In this room Association organizes charge-free lectures about beekeeping, importance of bees in the natural environment, agriculture and food production. Practical lessons are led in Association’s members’ apiaries.


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