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"Pachniczówka" Adrian Pachnik

"Pachniczówka" Adrian Pachnik

ul. Polna 2, 07-110


The “Pachniczówka” apiary is a family company whose bee-keeping traditions go back five generations. The company is active in two areas: beekeeping and processing of apiary products. The first of these is based on traditional beekeeping practices, where intervention in the environment of the bee colony is kept to a minimum. To ensure the highest quality of obtained products, our beehives are located in woodland areas, which are the natural habitat of bees. Another development direction is the processing of honey using traditional production methods. The company offers “Miodowe Piwo Mazowieckie” honey beer, a historical variety of beer made without the use of cereal malts. We are also working on the reconstruction of the tradition of fermenting honey without adding spirit or sulphites, based on natural fermentation.

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